Friday, July 23, 2010

To trade or not to trade?

So, NYMEX was awesome. We took a tour of the museum they have on the ground floor of the building, then went up to oversee the trading floor. They DO still do pit trading, it's just a much lower volume than it was before the advent of the internet. I didn't see too much hand signaling, but there were a lot of beefy, red-faced guys yelling at each other from a distance of less than a foot, so it was still entertaining. I told Leena that I'd be interested in trying that, and from the look on her face, I'd definitely get trampled. (The urge to make a Biblical reference to Daniel and the lion's den is pretty strong . . . Oops, I just did.)

This Wednesday, we visited the Museum of the City of New York. I had been there before, but only briefly during the Museum Mile festival for the tail end of the Charles Addams exhibit, so it was cool to be able to explore all three levels of the building. The best exhibit (really, the only good one) they had was about the NYC mayor during the '60s, John Lindsay. He was like the JFK of NYC, and not only was the exhibit really impressively set up, the objects and documents they had displayed were really cool as well. I had never heard of him, but the tour guide was informative and told us the entire Democratic love story.

I haven't blogged much lately because I've just been bouncing around the museum, helping out with whatever needed to be done. That means that I've gotten to spend some QT with Jess and Julia in the library, and with Sumati and Angelica in front of iMovie. We finished updating the library today, which was pretty exciting for me -- but way more so for Jess and Julia, considering that that project has been their baby for about a month. Sumati also finished interning yesterday, so I hope she and Angelica were able to finish their video! I spent a lot of time showing them the video equipment and software, but I didn't get to see the finished project. Today, I am starting research on hedge funds for an as-of-yet unnamed project.

As for trading, I am getting a late start, because I just got in the game today. I opened a position of 200,000 units selling USD/CHF, because the graph looked like it was beginning to peak, and I personally believe the price is going to go down. I set my boundaries really far apart, if for no other reason that to just be able to keep a position open for more than a few hours. Also, as incentive to stay current with the news, I opened a position of 200,000 buying EUR/USD, because DailyFX said that the dollar is getting stronger. Again, I want to keep this position open just to be able to monitor market fluctuations, so my boundaries are huge. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A picture's worth a thousand of John's books

So I most definitely did not win the trading contest (not that I expected to). Over the last couple days, I've been bouncing around the museum, since everyone else was finishing up projects they were working on while I was at camp. Friday, I scanned a bunch of photos into the computer and put them up on the museum's Flickr, then helped Sumati and Jess learn iMovie (which is still SO frustrating and not user-friendly). Today, I was in the aud with Alex and Jennie, sorting through books from John's collection and figuring out what belonged to the museum. It was fun to see what kind of books John just had laying around in storage, but I think I may have dust in my lungs after all that. I was surprised by how much we were getting rid of too! It seems like a shame, but then again, I guess I wouldn't want the 1976 tax records of John Doe either.

Tomorrow, we are going to NYMEX! That's the New York Mercantile Exchange, for those of you that aren't fluent in finance jargon (hi, Mom). I wouldn't be this excited, except I have seen the video that's a part of the NYMEX exhibit far too many times and I want to watch the pit traders sign to each other. Except I can't remember if they even do that anymore . . .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bon voyage, mes currencies!

Well, it's certainly been a while since I've been on here! Okay, so let's catch up:

Three weeks ago, Ashraf and I headed off to the basement to start our Collections rotation. We learned the basics of PastPerfect (with the gracious help of Jason), and started getting our grimy paws all over old documents and books. We also watched a movie with Ewan MacGregor, which was didactic and poorly acted - read: overall worthwhile to watch. Unfortunately, I did not get the gold star in trading that week, partially because I didn't stay current with forex news and mostly because I was preparing for . . .

CAMP. I realize that this blog is most definitely not the forum to discuss my experiences as a counselor at the Muscular Dystrophy Summer Camp, but let it suffice to say that I would be hard-pressed to pick which unpaid activity I did this summer that I liked better. The unfortunate part was that it took me away from the museum for a week and a half, a period during which every staff member forgot my name and distinctive features. Kidding, but still.

So this week, I made my valiant return to New York late Tuesday night, at 2 a.m. via Megabus (running two hours behind schedule, naturally). I arrived at the museum on Wednesday morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed (of course) and spent the day updating the museum's Flickr with photos of objects and exhibits, using some fancy HTML - but all of this took place AFTER visiting the Bloomberg building! Which is THE. COOLEST. EVER. Seriously. I probably wouldn't argue with them if they wanted to hire me . . . Mostly because my mouth would be full of the free food. We toured the building, learned about company dynamics (which are a little intrusive but totally chill) and had a short seminar on what Bloomberg is and basics on how to use the terminal. Overall, my first day back was great - eeeeven though I finished out the month with a loss of $2,261. I am definitely going to be a better intern and a better trader for this next contest.

Anyway, it's late and I'm off to bed to wake up and get ready for I mean, to blog about another exciting day at the MOAF!