Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A picture's worth a thousand of John's books

So I most definitely did not win the trading contest (not that I expected to). Over the last couple days, I've been bouncing around the museum, since everyone else was finishing up projects they were working on while I was at camp. Friday, I scanned a bunch of photos into the computer and put them up on the museum's Flickr, then helped Sumati and Jess learn iMovie (which is still SO frustrating and not user-friendly). Today, I was in the aud with Alex and Jennie, sorting through books from John's collection and figuring out what belonged to the museum. It was fun to see what kind of books John just had laying around in storage, but I think I may have dust in my lungs after all that. I was surprised by how much we were getting rid of too! It seems like a shame, but then again, I guess I wouldn't want the 1976 tax records of John Doe either.

Tomorrow, we are going to NYMEX! That's the New York Mercantile Exchange, for those of you that aren't fluent in finance jargon (hi, Mom). I wouldn't be this excited, except I have seen the video that's a part of the NYMEX exhibit far too many times and I want to watch the pit traders sign to each other. Except I can't remember if they even do that anymore . . .

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