Thursday, June 10, 2010

And so it begins...

I made my first trades today, very shortly after being introduced to the program - which worked out in my favor in some respects . . . and not so much in others. I started with a $100,000 trade (I don't think I am using the right jargon here) buying pounds for dollars (GBP/USD), and five hours later have made a 0.41% profit. I also have $50,000 in EUR/USD that is currently at a 0.03% profit, but has been bouncing around zero all day. I chose this trade thanks to the bold headline on, so hopefully it'll make some sort of positive swing. (I picked GBP/USD because Jennie made a profit on it last night, and it seems to be continuing to work.) The only major mishap I've had today was playing with my stop loss on a $100,000 AUD/USD and accidentally shorting the pair (I think I said that right.)

Tonight, I'll be looking at again and perhaps trying my hand at trend lines. I'd like to get into USD/CAD simply because I live on the border, but I'll have to do my homework on that first, perhaps watch the market over the weekend to see how much it fluctuates.

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