Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Intern Journal up til 6/10

I had started my journal as a Google doc, so I just copied and pasted it here so that all my entries are together:

Week of 6/1
I began my first rotation in social media with Julia. We toured the museum by ourselves and decided to do a film project on the bull and bear statue, on loan from LaBranche and Co. On Thursday, after a couple days of intense research on the Internet and in the museum library and archives, we went to the NYSE Archives. We found some books about the Luncheon Club (who owned the statue) and toured the space the club had been. We even got to tour the floor and interview a longtime trader who had been a member of the board of the Luncheon Club! At the end of the week, Julia and I had essentially finished our research, and were ready to start making the video.

Official orientation: we learned a bit about being a docent and how to give an effective tour, as well as were introduced to the archiving software, Past Perfect. Alex also appeared, meaning that the senior intern team is now complete.

Leena gave a presentation in the morning about the trading contest, which I completely and entirely don't understand, through no fault of hers. Julia and I were hard at work all day on the video. She wrote the script, while I assembled stills and cut up the video of the interview with the trader. We realized that the video was going to be ten minutes long if we weren't careful, and I made a mental note to start condensing.

Julia went to her sister's graduation, so I flew this mission solo today. I finished condensing the script and gave it to Leena, who edited it as well. Looks like we're going to have to do all the voiceovers again next week - no real loss though, they don't take much time. I started assembling the video, and it seems like it's going to be a bit harder than I thought to keep it visually appealing; there's not much one can do to make a slideshow interesting.
TRADING: I made two trades today: GBP/USD, AUD/USD. I decided to trade GBP because Jennie made a profit last night, and Leena made a $1500 profit on AUD yesterday. I wanted to diversify a little bit to increase my chances of netting a profit (though it IS a greater risk.) I really like gambling so far.

I assembled more of the video today, and emailed Julia an update about what's going on. I went out on Broad Street and took photos of the Stock Exchange as it appears today, and snapped some shots of the Wall Street sign and the MOAF itself. They look pretty good, and will look even cooler in the video. I also kept trading - I dabbled in the buying the euro and lost a bit, I think I got confused as to what the trend was. We'll see how these trades fair over the weekend.

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