Thursday, June 17, 2010

Buying, and bulls, and bears - oh my!

So my trade closed out last night and I profited about $200.00, which left me about $1400 in the hole still. I opened a position of 100,000 units buying EUR/USD, and accidentally clicked and closed it ten minutes later (while Leena and Becky were watching - real professional of you there, Kel.) I was not profiting (of course) when I closed it, so I am currently $1557.04 down.

Never the one to give up, I went right back to it and opened a position of 100,000 units buying CHF/JPY, based on logic that seems somewhat elusive to me now. Looking at a one day candlestick chart, CHF/JPY has been bouncing aroung 80.00 for a while. It's currently above that, but the chart looks pretty volatile, so I made sure to set my boundaries pretty wide, in hopes that I'll be able to keep a trade open for more than twelve hours, regardless of profit . . . It's all a learning experience, right? I've noticed that this game is way less fun when you're not profiting, and, believe me, I haven't made a substantial profit yet.

This morning, Julia and I got to follow around Ashraf and Jess as they traipsed through the Financial District in period dress, brandishing brochures and advertising the museum. It was fun for a while, but only a few people even looked twice at the costumes. New Yorkers are just too jaded sometimes, y'know? Julia and I, to be productive, took photos while Jess and Ashraf handed out flyers and even free admission passes, and Julia wrote a blog post to go along with the photos. After lunch, I prepared the video to go up on YouTube. It's currently publishing, so get excited! I also came up with a list of potential Facebook friends for the museum; I felt like a matchmaker for business organizations. Who knows, maybe the museum will get to take Reuters out for coffee one afternoon.

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