Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Euronly live once...

I made one trade today, in an attempt to get myself back into the market headfirst. I had finished the weekend with a loss of $734.57, because I was away for the weekend and all my trades closed themselves out. I decided, after reading this article, to buy 200,000 units of EUR/USD. (I still don't have the jargon down...) I set my limits moderately high and low, so I can watch it for a while without it closing itself. I started the trade at 1.23450 (coolest price ever) and right now I'm breaking exactly even. My stop loss is set at 1.23000 and my take profit is 1.23747. Over the past day and the past few hours it's been on the upswing, so I'll continue to watch it today to see what happens. I think that the fiasco with Greece's rating right now may impact the price level, as evidenced by this article, but the retaliation that the article highlights will hopefully make the euro stronger.

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