Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You win some, you lose most of them.

My trade closed out overnight, leaving me with a deficit of 1610.57. Ouch.

I've decided to finally take the plunge (you gotta win sometime, right?) and start trading USD/CAD. Overall, the trend has been on the decline, but it seems like it's bouncing up a little. Since the trend has been too up-and-down to make any real profit, I'm only doing a position of 100,000, and mostly to prove my word from before. I'm buying the pair, and I'll have to keep an eye on it tonight.

In other intern news, Julia and I finished the video today! Leena, Becky, and Kristin all watched it and liked it. SO glad to be done, and have something to show for it! It should be posted tomorrow. I think we're doing a mini project tomorrow, and then next week we are starting our new rotations.

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